After the Tamil trailer, the makers today unveiled the Hindi trailer of Beast. Beast Tamil trailer has already crossed 30 million views in just 24 hours. Directed by Nelson Dilipkumar, Beast stars Thalapathy Vijay, Pooja Hegde and Tamil director Selvaraghavan among others.
Vijay is playing a spy, Veera
Raghavan in the film.
The trailer starts with terrorists firing in
a mall and make its patrons hostages. A spy was in the mall by ‘accident’ and
then Vijay’s character Veera Raghavan, is introduced. He performs some
high-octane action stunts as he fights with the terrorists at the mall. Pooja
Hegde is one if the hostages in the mall and she had blink and miss appearance
in the trailer.
Thalapathy Vijay was last seen in Master. With Beast, he
promises to impress the audience with yet another stellar performance.
Did you watch Beast trailer? Do let us know
your views.
Beast’s music has been composed by Anirudh
Ravichander, and two songs from the movie, Arabic Kuthu and Jolly O Gymkhana
are already chartbusters. Beast is slated to hit the theatres on April 13. It
will clash with the much-awaited Yash starrer KGF: Chapter 2, that is releasing
on April 1