Paytm on Tuesday shared an update on its operational performance for the fourth quarter of the fiscal 2022, with updated figures for the first two months of the quarter. The fintech firm said it achieved highest ever monthly loan disbursals and sees sustained growth in payments business.“With increased partnerships with established NBFCs, we saw that the number of loans disbursed thru our platform grew 449% year-on-year (YoY) to 4.1 million loans in first two months of the quarter, with approximately 2.2 million loans disbursed in February 2022 alone, while the value of loans disbursed was ₹2,095 crore (y-o-y growth of 366%)," Paytm said in an exchange filing.The total GMV processed thru its platform during the first two months of the quarter aggregated to approximately ₹1,65,333 crore ($22.2 billion), marking a growth of 105% from the same quarter last year. GMV is the merchant payments processed thru all instruments (Paytm Wallet, Paytm Payments bank account, other banks netbanking, credit and debit cards, UPI etc).The Vijay Shekhar Sharma-led company continued to see an increase in user engagement, with average monthly transacting users (MTU) during the period at 69.5 million, growth of 41% YoY. Meanwhile, it said that its offline payments business strengthens as
more merchants adopted Paytm payment instruments. Further, the company said that RBI's kerbs on Paytm Payments Bank does not impact any existing customers, who can continue to use all banking and payment services without interruption.